Hacking PayPal Account with Just a Click

Unknown 1 تعليق 10:46 م

The eBay owned popular digital payment and money transfer service, PayPal has been found to be vulnerable to a critical web application vulnerability that could allow an attacker to take control over users' PayPal account with just a click, affecting more than 156 millions PayPal users.

An Egyptian security researcher, Yasser H. Ali has discovered three critical vulnerabilities in PayPal website including CSRF, Auth token bypass and Resetting the security question, which could be used by cybercriminals in the targeted attacks.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a method of attacking a website in which an attacker need to convince the victim to click on a specially crafted HTML exploit page that will make a request to the vulnerable website on their behalf.

والله ولسه فيكى خير ي بلد :)
الهكــر المــصرى يــاسـر تــوصل لثغــره أمنـــيــه فــى البنــك المعــروف بـــأسم بــاى بــال 
 يســـتـطيــع من خــلالــهــا مــعرفــه بيــانــات الفيـــزاوالحــصــول علــيـها بــكـل ســهــولـه 

تحيــــا مــصــر

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